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I'm working on this website on the run, at the same time as doing an online course in web design (via Team Treehouse) and another online course (a MOOC) via Open 2 Study. Some of this content is based on a website I put together back in 1995, about the time that computers were invented, using twigs and punchcards. Most of these pages and this content will break at least a dozen rules of good coding and another dozen rules of good website content (I'm working on that) and a lot of the content is still just place-holder stuff.

HTML things I still need to fix include...

  • Set up three different body types: full page (ie, text fills pretty much exactly one page), short (no scroll), and long (like books; three different paper backgrounds top, middle repeated, end).
  • Make background paper go to bottom of pages (index, resume) without using BRs
  • Add a bottom-of-page background to all the multiple-page (eg, book) HTMLs
  • Fix need for ugly BRs at top of index and bottom of all pages. Make titles consistent space down from top.
  • SSI: Find a way to repeat intro and links in book HTMLs and compass/calc so I don't need to change code in multiple files
  • Make the three/four small buttons on rhs centre-aligned between themselves (eg at bottom of book HTMLs)
  • Dick with padding on link pics (resume) and inline pics (book pages) :hover for the wee resume pics, so text doesn’t move. Dick with padding so the back buttons don't resize from rhs
  • make resume pics resize when you hover over text, as well as over pics
  • Make sure that calculator and compass don’t get in the way of background, and don’t squeeze text. Actually do I want them to stay put, as if sitting on the stationary desk? Can I do that, but make some other pics move with the text?!?!
  • Consolidate IDs and CLASSes so they make sense. Rename "Res" ones if I am using them on non-res pages.
  • Set background colours for desktop and paper so that the writing is still legible if images don't come thru
  • Check on diff screen widths. Turn off calc and compass for ipad width, at very least
  • There are two "container" divs: one in grid.css and one in style.css. Book pages are using the style one, which is 750 wide. Need to make this consistent

And good web content stuff includes...

  • Do something about the book pages so they're not just a bloody vanity listing. Is there any way to actually make this content interesting/useful? (or just hide it?)
  • Look at all pages in terms of F-shaped scan-ability
  • Main books link should take you to a short page with these links: books I've read (as is), cool bookshops (hay on wye, crazy penang, hurlingham bks, etc), links to cool book websites (shelfari, bkdep)
  • Set up a quote class and use that in books pages
  • Set up icons or similar for links from book pages. Set link to bkdep and/or amazon for at least the boldy ones?
  • Search function on book pages?
  • Add multiple 'back' buttons at top of pages you can reach from different source pages
  • Add a "non-bold" link class to use where I don't want to the link to "pop"
  • Fancy up (w. icons) the links in book pages

Plus I still need to ...

  • Travel pages for each of the desties with at least one pic and short list of useful links
  • add what makes a good guidebook writer, perhaps the others too: what makes a good guidebook etc"
  • add pic to china
  • add pic to cool people, and add links to some of the actual content
  • add a pic to the chch page, plus "gold star" the BAMs?